Lindsey: Gov. Whitmer’s speech a stark contrast from the reality facing Michigan families

Lindsey: Gov. Whitmer’s speech a stark contrast from the reality facing Michigan families

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Jonathan Lindsey, R-Allen, issued the following statement after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered the 2024 State of the State address:

“The central problem with the governor’s State of the State address is that she is in denial of reality.

“Shameless in her dishonesty to a level only acceptable in politics, she continues to ‘take credit’ for policies that are destroying our great state, while at the same time offering empty promises about a utopian future she and her radical left-wing enablers want Michiganders to believe is just around the corner.

“Sadly, utopia is the opposite of where our state is headed. Our schools are failing our children, our communities are becoming more dangerous, people are leaving the state in droves, and our infrastructure is crumbling — while at the same time, the average Michigander faces higher costs, less economic opportunity and more burdensome government regulations.

“It is time for the governor to get real about solving the problems in front of us, and it is time for the people of Michigan to demand better.

“I am glad the theater of the State of the State address is over, hopefully we can move past it and focus on policies that will get government out of the way and allow both people and our state to prosper.”


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